Hand​-​Blown Glass Hearts
Bring you​rself​ and a loved one closer with a handcrafted glass heart. Jack Pine’s ​hand-blown​ glass hearts are the perfect way to show someone you care about them. Each heart​—which is ​made with precision and passion​—​​ ​carries a story of love and craftsmanship. Their vibrant colors, layered swirls, and one-of-a-kind designs capture love in all its varying forms, from fiery passion to comforting tranquility, making them more than just ​decorative pieces​. These glass hearts are a symbol of love, compassion, and connection. Whether it's for a partner, a family member, or a cherished friend, our ​hand-blown​ glass hearts are a timeless keepsake that speaks volumes. Explore our collection of glass hearts and fall in love with a one-of-a-kind design.